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Get the skills and knowledge you need to perform the variety of duties required of a successful entry-level practical nurse with the 实际的护理 program at Beckfield大学. 护理领域总是在寻找有同情心的人, 可靠的人承担起照顾有需要的人的角色. 执业护士(lpn)的需求量很大, 但这需要特别, 有爱心,有真诚的兴趣帮助他人在这个职位上取得成功.

If you are considering attending a 实际的护理 program in Greater Cincinnati or Northern Kentucky and becoming a Licensed Practical Nurse, 看看ladbrokes立博中文版的实用护理课程. 虽然有 目前没有 入学等候名单, 座位可能 迅速填满, 所以inquirladbrokes立博中文版今天就开始这个程序,以确保你的 入学.

Beckfield大学’s 实际的护理 program is taught by professional nurses with experience within the field. 实际的护理 diploma graduates should be prepared for the NCLEX-PN® exam and become 合格的 for an entry-level Licensed Practical Nurse position.







Beckfield College 实际的护理 program is accredited by the National League for 护理 Commission for 护理 Education 认证, 华盛顿特区西北弗吉尼亚大道2600号20037, 202-909-2487. 





Registered 护理 Employment Badge - Beckfield大学 Registered 护理 - RN Program - 弗洛伦斯, KY



Registered 护理 Kentucky State Median Salary Badge - Beckfield大学 Registered 护理 - RN Program - 弗洛伦斯, KY


State of Kentucky median salary is $47,140; state of Ohio median salary is $48,030 /年*





实习护士课程可以在15个月内完成. 的 curriculum of our Practical Nurse program is specifically designed to prepare you for your career from day one. 你的课程将整合知识, 沟通原则, 以及行为和生物科学. ladbrokes立博中文版的实践教师和教师帮助您培养现实世界的经验.

成功完成实习护士课程后, you will have earned a diploma in 实际的护理 and should be prepared to take the NCLEX-PN® exam and entry-level practice as a Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN).


• Demonstrate the accountable and responsible behavior of the nurse that incorporates legal and ethical principles and complies with standards of nursing practice

• Demonstrate the delivery of patient care in partnership with multidisciplinary members of the health care team to achieve continuity of care and positive patient outcomes throughout the lifespan

• Provide health-related education to maintain and/or restore health and promote optimal wellness throughout the lifespan

• Use current evidence from scientific and professional sources as a basis for clinical judgment and nursing practice

• Minimize risk factors that could cause injury or harm while promoting quality care and maintaining a secure environment for patients, 自我, 和其他人

• Promote quality improvement by participating in the implementation of the plan of care to enhance healthcare service

• Demonstrate the use of information technology as a communication and information-gathering tool that supports clinical decision-making and evidence-based nursing practice

•促进关怀和同情心的提供, 基于病人不同需求的文化敏感护理, 首选项, 以及贯穿一生的价值观

•在提供安全服务方面展示领导技能, 在护理实践的范围内提供高质量的病人护理




了解ladbrokes立博中文版的虚拟ati NCLEX®审查


Beckfield大学 provides the Virtual-ATI NCLEX 审查 during the time you are attending the nursing program prior to graduation.  It is an innovative, online partnership that prepares nursing graduates for NCLEX success.  评审直接与当前的NCLEX测试计划保持一致.  通过与虚拟教练和课堂护理教练的合作, 学生们正在进行个性化的学习, assessment-driven NCLEX review in an online classroom that provides students access to a variety of on-demand resources.  Students receive feedback and encouragement from their own personal online coach and classroom nursing instructor.  提供了一个日历来指导学生的日常复习.  随着学生的进步,复习是个性化的, 因此,特别关注需要关注的主题领域.  它的工作原理.  当学生们听从教练的建议时,NCLEX考试的通过率接近100%.*

a是什么? 实习护士?

Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) work under the supervision of doctors, 注册 nurses (RNs), 或其他 合格的 专业人士 为病人提供护理. Our goal is to equip you with the clinical and professional competencies to prepare you for important job duties. 在ladbrokes立博中文版ladbrokes立博中文版nursing curriculum helps prepare you with the practical skills and knowledge that should help you successfully perform a wide range of job functions, 这可能包括:

  • 提供基本的床边护理
  • 测量生命体征
  • 准备和注射
  • 进行常规实验室检查
  • 记录食物和液体的摄入和排出
  • 提供婴儿护理


One of the great advantages of pursuing a nursing career is the vast array of job opportunities that will be available to you within the healthcare industry. 持牌执业护士 五月 在各种医疗保健环境中工作,例如:

  • 护理及住宿护理设施
  • 州立医院,地方医院和私立医院
  • 康复中心
  • 延长护理设施
  • 医生的办公室
  • 家庭保健服务
  • 政府


根据美国最新的国家数据.S. 劳工和统计局, the median pay for a Practical Nurse in the state of Kentucky’s median salary is $47,俄亥俄州的平均工资是48美元,030 /年. 薪水将根据经验而定, 工作地点, 以及具体的职位和职责. *


  • DaVita肾脏护理标志-实用护理计划页面-佛罗伦萨,肯塔基州
  • 翠绿痕迹上的火鸡脚标志-实际护理计划页面-佛罗伦萨,肯塔基州
  • Otterbein高级生活标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • 儿科协会PSC标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • 南方健康伙伴标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • 太阳行为健康标志-实际护理计划页面-佛罗伦萨,肯塔基州
  • 美国老年社区标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • BLC标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • CARESPRING标志-实用护理计划页面-肯塔基州佛罗伦萨
  • 1998年1月,我开始了我的护理生涯,担任长期护理的护理助理. 2000年12月,我从LPN学校毕业. 在成为注册护士之前,我做了11年的长期护理护士. I chose Beckfield for my Associate’s Program because of the curriculum that they offered. I would take nursing classes starting Quarter 1 and would incorporate my general studies into the program while taking these nursing courses. 我知道我想成为一名护理主任,为此需要我的注册护士. 在完成我的副学士学位后, 并取得注册护士执照, 我觉得自己已经为在组织中担任领导角色做好了充分的准备. 贝克菲尔德提供给我的临床技能经验, 让我有信心更轻松地处理各种情况. 在贝克菲尔德,更高层次的思维过程是一种常态. 的 instructor’s teach you how to “think” while considering the entire clinical picture as well as the ability to anticipate and advocate for the patient. 重点是领导和注册护士的角色在护理的这个关键领域, 是贝克菲尔德最强大的特质之一, 在我看来. I feel like some nursing programs (at least from my LPN experience) teach nurses to “be a nurse”, 但在贝克菲尔德, ladbrokes立博中文版被教导如何成为一名“护理领袖”. 的知识, resources and network connections that have been afforded to me from Beckfield are unmatched. 贝克菲尔德以准备精良而闻名, 称职的护士,这是一个准确的认识. 能成为贝克菲尔德的毕业生,我感到非常幸运, 不仅仅是注册护士项目, 还有他们的BSN项目! I recommend Beckfield大学’s 护理 Program to anyone who is committed to furthering their education in one of the most 自我less and rewarding career choices in the world.

实用护理文凭课程是由美国护士协会批准的 肯塔基护理委员会

的 Beckfield大学 实际的护理 program is accredited by the National League for 护理 Commission for 护理 Education 认证,  华盛顿特区西北弗吉尼亚大道2600号20037, 202-909-2487.

* http://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes292061.htm#st

†从2021年到2031年,实用护士的就业预计将增长6%, 和所有职业的平均速度一样快. 增长的原因有很多(见9).15.22). 来源: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/licensed-practical-and-licensed-vocational-nurses.htm

ladbrokes立博中文版不作任何陈述, 承诺, or guarantee that completion of this program either assures passage of any certification examination or acceptance by any state board. 未来和现在的学生, 还有毕业生, 负责研究和理解所有考试, 登记, 或者他们想要注册的任何州的执照要求, 许可, 或使用. ladbrokes立博中文版不保证就业或职业发展.

Beckfield大学 cannot guarantee a student’s eligibility either to take any exam or become certified, 注册, 或许可. 学生的资格可能取决于他或她的工作经验, 高中毕业(或同等学历), 没有犯罪记录, 符合其他执照或认证要求, 或课程或学校本身有适当的认证或执照.